So Much a Part of You

It is six separate short stories, though I use "short story" loosely because as chapters they are very long and slow to read. The author thought that she was writing a story about 6 separate characters that all interweave into showing how people come in and out of your life for a purpose, but I didn't get that.
First is John as a child growing up with an alcoholic father and throughout the chapter, he is growing into a mean and verbally abusive teenager.
The second and third chapter is about Anna, a girl who likes to ride horses and has a crush on a boy in school. She has an alcoholic father who is very mean and it isn't until later in the third chapter you realize this is John from Chapter 1. How he got someone to marry him is lost on me, because there was nothing redeeming in his character.
Then we meet Caitlin, who is new to college and has a week-long affair with a boy and then has an abortion without ever telling him. Later on, you find out her college roommate is Anne (not to be confused with Anna - because Lord knows all of the characters aren't confusing enough the author needed to throw in an Anne/Anna spin). Anne goes abroad her Junior year and meets a boy who falls in love with her. Low and behold it is the same boy that Caitlin met Freshman year. Anne also gets pregnant and has an abortion without telling him.
Then we meet Peter, who is the boy in question, and he is in NY getting over his broken heart from Anne, when he meets Anna, from chapters 2 & 3. But then Anne comes back to tell Peter that her mom is dying and her mom wants to see him again. There is no love triangle. Anne and Anna become friendly. There is no drama whatsoever. Anne's mother dies and she goes by the wayside.
Then we meet Carolyn at 31, who's the sister of Anne though when Anne's mother was dying everyone called her Cici so you don't know it's her sister until later. She has premature twin babies who are born too early and die and she and her husband are on the verge of divorce but just maybe they'll work it out. You never find out if they do.
Then we meed Lindsey who works at an animal shelter euthanizing the animals. She pretty much hates all people. But Anna and Peter come in with their sons to have their dead dog cremated. This is how you find out Anna and Peter (not Anne and Peter) get married and have kids. See, no drama with Anne. Anna's mom died the very same way Anne's did. Now Anna's father is dead too. She's having a panic attack but thinks she's dying so they call a paramedic and we, the reader, find out he had an affair with his dead best friend's wife but it made him love his own wife more so it's ok. Anna is not dying. She just needs to breathe. The End.
If you read all that and went "what the f***" don't worry, I did too the entire time I was reading the book. All of the stories are told in the third person with a dry monotone tone of voice. It's all told so clinically, and yet with crass language. Everyone wants to have sex, is having sex, is having an abortion because of sex, or has stopped having sex. The f-word to describe sex is thrown about so cavalierly that it is off-putting. Example because I don't care enough for verbatim "Caitlin knows (the boy whose name I can't remember) has a girlfriend, but it's ok to f*** him anyway because she has nothing better to do and he is kind of cute. " "Anne didn't want to marry Peter, and she didn't want to have his baby, but this is what she get's for wanting a good f***."
I mean, really? Am I supposed to care about these characters? Nothing is told from their point of view. Reading this story is like having your neighbor tell you a three-hour story about her acquaintance's best friend, someone she has never met that you have REALLY never met, but you hear all about her life story and the story of her family members in great detail. You walk away with no additional care for these people than when you went in, and you just lost three hours of your life for nothing. That was this story. It was a creative writing class assignment gone wrong. I never ever give bad reviews, but with this one, I am clearly the odd man out because there are a ton of 4 & 5-star reviews, but for me... I can see why this book was on a Dollar Tree shelf 3 years after publication. Save yourself. Don't waste your time. As for my 9 yr old, all she'll ever hear was that this was the greatest book ever!
P.S. I won't apologize for the spoilers because if you know what's going to happen - newsflash! NOTHING!! - then maybe it will have helped you decide not to bother.