Mid Life Love: At Last

Mid Life Love: At Last  - Whitney Gracia Williams An ok sequel

I liked book two less than book one. In book two they've admitted their love for each other and are planning a wedding. Sounds great, right? The amount of over the top opulence that went until this wedding was ridiculous. I realize he's a billionaire, but her effort to have everything perfect, regardless of cost, was annoying. I get it, she didn't have the perfect wedding the first time, but if you love the guy, spending a hundred million on a wedding isn't what's important. Her daughters are young and sound exactly their age, but that includes them sounding greedy. I have been in Claire's exact position of the best friend and husband. Mine, too, are now married to each other. I don't see myself caring one whit if she got a brain tumor either, but I can't see spewing the hatred at her or at the ex husband. It would have been nice had Claire taken the approach of saying thank you. Thank you for leaving me so that I could find perfection in Jonathan. I didn't like the stalking and the demands she be home on time or monitoring her conversations or mail. It wasn't to keep her safe. It was to assert dominance and control. Despite the flaws I still loved the positives. The redemption Claire feels in having found love again. The Jonathan has a family he loves dearly. Their interactions were the best parts of the book.